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Date(s) - February 28, 2015
6:30 pm - 11:30 pm

University Arena Worcester


Tickets now on sale now!

£7.50 each to include presentations, buffet and disco
£2.50 for presentations only which will finish about 8pm

We have limited spaces and they will be issued on first come first serve basis. If you wish to reserve a ticket please respond to this email or the club facebook. Note! This will commit you to payment unless cancelled by 13th Feb 2015.

You can pay by cheque or online but please no cash.  Our bank details are:  Lloyds Bank, Sort Code: 30-99-90 Account No: 80159268 Please enter “Presentation Eve” as the reference. This is important so that we can identify your payment and not mistake it for competition fees or something else.
